Download Camtasia Studio 2020.0
Camtasia Studio merupakan salah satu video editor yang sekarang menjadi favorit saya, selain fitur Editing Videonya yang bisa dibilang lengkap, tersedia juga Camtasia Recorder yang sangat berguna untuk merekam layar, dan tentunya karena saya juga sering membuat video tutorial, kedua fitur dalam aplikasi ini sangat berguna sekali bagi saya.
Dan tahukah kamu, beberapa waktu lalu Camtasia Studio 2020.0 sudah dirilis, dan meskipun belum banyak yang bahas, berikut adalah changelog dan fitur apa saja yang ditambahkan dalam versi baru ini.
Cukup banyak bukan, dari fitur diatas, saya sendiri belum mencoba fitur fitur yang diberikan tersebut, karena masih belum ada project editing video yang bisa saya kerjakan.
- Added ability to replace timeline media via drag and drop from the Media Bin or Library.
- Added placeholder media type.
- Added Template projects.
- Added Template Manager.
- Added ability to favorite most frequently used tools and annotations.
- Added ability to configure and save tool and annotation presets.
- Added ability to export and share themes individually.
- Added ability to export and share keyboard shortcuts individually.
- Added ability to export multiple templates, libraries, themes, shortcuts, presets and favorites as a package.
- Added Magnetic Track option to Editor.
- Added Ripple Insert from Media Bin or Library options.
- Added ability to Ripple Move media on the timeline.
- Added Ripple Trim option to timeline editing.
- Added callout styles theme support to Annotations.
- Added Auto-resize Text toggle button to Properties panel.
- Added Media Bin layout, filtering, and sorting enhancements.
- Added Select/Delete Unused Media option to Media Bin.
- Added Select on Timeline option to Media Bin.
- Added ability to find and select media in Media Bin to timeline.
- Added ability to double-click empty space in Media Bin to open media files.
- Added ability to move playhead on empty timeline.
- Added ability to detach timeline from Editor.
- Added Track Matte feature supporting four modes: Alpha, Alpha Invert, Luminosity, and Luminosity Invert.
- Added high frame rate recording mode to Recorder preferences.
- Added Reverse Transition toggle button to Properties panel.
- Added ability to set GIF loop count when exporting animated GIF.
- Added automatic Group size support.
- Added ability to set specific Group size.
- Added ability to set specific Library asset size.
- Added clipping mask to Group boundary.
- Refreshed fonts shipped with Camtasia.
- Added ProRes decoding support.
- Added support for pitch normalization when Clip Speed is added to media with audio.
- Added ability to apply multiple visual effects to Groups.
- Added ability to edit project videos at 25 and 50 frames per second.
- Added both free and premium templates, themes, and assets to the TechSmith Asset store.
- Retired support for .camrec recording format.
- Retired legacy callout display support.
- Added single stream recording capabilities (audio only, webcam only, screen only) to Recorder.
- Added system audio VU meter to Recorder.
- Added ability to record webcams at higher resolutions and frame rates.
- Added ability to record h.264 video in .TREC container.
- Added preference to set default animation easing.
- Retired support for Windows 7.
- Retired support for Windows 8.
- Retired converting SWF format to AVI format.
- Retired support for Camtasia 8 projects.
- Retired legacy Device Frames.
- Retired AVI recording support.
Untuk kamu yang penasaran dan belum melakukan upgrade, silahkan kamu download aplikasi Camtasia Studio 2020.0 dilink yang saya sediakan dibawah ini. Pastinya karena BLOG SAYUGI tidak mendukung pembajakan, tidak ada serial number atau crack yang saya sertakan, maaf ya, silahkan kamu cari sendiri untuk masalah tersebut.
Download: Camtasia 2020.0 Build 20874 (64-bit) | 498 MB (Shareware)
Catatan : Bagi kamu yang sudah memiliki Camtasia 2019, sebaiknya kamu hapus dulu instalasi versi tersebut, karena akan membuat duplicate folder di program files, silahkan kamu hapus dan instal versi terbaru ini.
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Uninstalling Camtasia Studio 2019 |
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Installing Camtasia Studio 2020 |
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